Solar farm
American Global Security

American Global Security is one of the few firms that has risen to the challenging task of providing both armed and unarmed security services to solar farms and other rural development projects. Most of the solar farms we service are in desert locations which are remote and have difficult weather conditions both because of heat, and deep mud when it rains. Our all-terrain patrol vehicles make patrolling these tough conditions possible, and only guards willing to brave such harsh conditions are chosen for the assignments. 

Our firm believes in Equal Opportunity Employment practices, and provides guard positions to individuals who have immigrated to this country seeking career opportunities. Hard working and dedicated, they have proven reliable as both unarmed and armed guards employed by our firm in tough conditions. AGS is proud to boast a diverse group of guards who work for us throughout California. 

Tackling the Mojave Desert  

Our unarmed and armed security have multiple locations which they protect in the Mojave Desert. Although we cannot disclose their exact location at this time, please reach out to our business development team for more specific references.

This area is a staffing challenge for the majority of our competitors, even the big five security firms. However, AGS has more than enough security personnel and logistics capabilities to dispatch standing guards and vehicle patrol to this area.  

Our services also protect several wind farms in the area. The dessert is a prime location for such development projects, because of the wide-open spaces and good wind flow, besides the obvious heavy sunlight.

Protecting Critical Infrastructure

American Global Security has several goals in our security services project at various solar and wind farms. First and foremost are protections against theft. The equipment and machinery, such as the actual solar panels, inverters, and batteries are very expensive. The presence of armed and unarmed guards will deter theft and vandalism. Secondly, preventing unauthorized access is another priority. Why worry about theft and vandalism when you can just prevent all unauthorized entry into your property? Our Dispatch Center also monitors various camera systems, including our own mobile surveillance platforms across several sites, and coordinates guard actions accordingly. This combined effort makes for very secure perimeters at even remote client properties.

One of the surprise benefits to hiring American global security guards at solar farms is the protection of intellectual property. Solar farms often use advanced technologies and processes that are highly valuable IP. AGS security guards can help prevent unauthorized access to these technologies and protect them from theft or misuse.

Lastly, our firm helps private and government locations comply with regulations. Solar and wind farms are subject to a range of regulations, such as environmental and safety regulations. Private security services help reduce the risk of fines and legal action through AGS guards’ presence at the sites.


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