Covid-19 has affected the construction industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an influence on every field, including construction.

When it comes to securing an appropriate business waiver in the building industry, the rules and regulations differ from state to state. However, the market has been affected regardless of where you work.

Many construction sites had to close temporarily, and those who will continue to work must follow stringent new OSHA guidelines.

Of course, one industry has not been halted by the pandemic: crime.

In fact, financial uncertainty has raised the stakes for petty thieves, and vacant construction sites can look like a haul when times are tough.

Having a security guard on site will establish safety for not only your workers but it will ensure that everything on the property including tools, equipment, and personal, belongings, among others.

Most Common Stolen Equipment

  • Wheeled & Tracked Loaders
  • Towable   
  • Skid Steer Loaders     
  • Excavators
  • UTV

Designating someone to monitor tool use and inventory is an easy but successful preventative measure for preventing tool theft.

This signals to others on the work site that someone is looking over their shoulder.

For inventory control, tools can be equipped with barcodes or microchips, enabling employees to check them in and out each day.

A security officer can track:

  • Surveillance feeds.
  • Check credentials for access control.
  • Inspect bags.
  • Limit access to approved personnel as preventative measures.

You should assign a specific task in a security plan to an officer, such as opening and closing a building for the day.

In fact, in this Covid-19 pandemic, having a business with no security guards watching over is something to reconsider!


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