10 Tips for Women’s Security!

10 tips for women’s security!

Many women have been in highly dangerous situations and life has not been easy for them. Actually, the world’s reality is that feminicide exists and it is extremely sad to see all the news and how they are the center of many criminal activities.

They have been the victim in many opportunities and we can’t allow this to continue happening, we want to support women and give them something to defend themselves with. 

For American Global Security is really important that you, women, take into account these tips which assure your safety and keep you away from most kinds of risks.

1. Take a look around before entering your home.

2. Don’t spend too much time parked in your car if you are on a lonely street.

3. Make sure your cell phone always has a loaded battery.

4. Don’t share personal information on social media.

5. Change routines at least once a week.

6. Don’t leave valuable things in sight inside your car

7. Forget about putting resistance in a robbery. Your life is worth more.

8. Call taxi services of a recognized company.

9. Don’t walk home alone at night.

10. Never trust a stranger

Your priority should be taking care of yourself, so be aware and don’t get distracted when you’re on the street or alone. We want to protect you from suffering any harm.

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