In the wake of the rising incidents of mass shootings in public spaces, there has been an increased demand for security services to prevent and respond to such situations.
Here at American Global Security, we are adapting our approach to both unarmed and armed services in order to counteract this continued threat. Some of the in which security services can play a crucial role in responding to mass shooting will be covered here, but no matter who or where you are in America be sure to plan accordingly. The previously unthinkable is rapidly becoming the inevitable.

Risk Assessment programs are a normal part of what we do at AGS, and are a part of assessing every new job site. Once you hire us, a field supervisor will conduct a thorough risk assessment of your facility, including the public space adjacent to it. They aim to identify potential vulnerabilities and weak points which an active shooter would also be looking for when determining a target. Our supervisor will then implement measures to mitigate these risks, such as installing security cameras, metal detectors, and other access control systems. Changing your approach to how you screen visitors and what level of access control you have at your site can also be highly beneficial.
Active Shooter Training is a module that our unarmed and armed security personnel receive. This training teaches them how to identify and isolate the shooter, evacuate the area safely, and communicate with law enforcement. This training can help American Global Security personnel to act decisively and effectively during a crisis or mass shootings .
Emergency Response Plans are critical in dealing with an active shooting. This plan will outline the roles of American Global Security guards, as well as certain site personnel. Evacuation, lockdown, and coordination with law enforcement are all a part of the AGS approach.
In conclusion, American Global Security services play a critical role in preventing and responding to a mass shooting. With the three components to our approach listed above, we can help keep your business or public space safe and secure.
Trust our unarmed or armed services to help mitigate or prevent such terrible tragedies from occurring in the first place.